Other Services

E-Statements, Foreign Exchange and Money Advice Service. Read more about our Other Services below.


Given the readily available account information which is now on our website, Access Credit Union is asking members to opt out of receiving statements & other general information by post. This will help us in our bid to reduce the amount of paper we issue as an organisation.

You can sign up for eStatements by logging into your online account and selecting Subscription Services from the menu.

You can also request an eStatement at any time by logging on and clicking on the Request eStatement Form button.

Note: All eStatements are generated overnight and will be available for members the following day. Once they have been generated, they will be available for members to view at any time from their online account.

e-statement FAQs

What is an e-statement?

An e-statement is an electronic version of your bank statement. It is formatted as a traditional bank statement, but is available as a portable document format file (PDF) via our web site.

Why e-statements are good for you?

E-statements more secure than receiving a statement via traditional mail. The statement is stored on our secure servers and is only accessible via online banking. We will alert you via email when your statement is ready to view. Your statements are available as soon as they are generated instead of needing to wait for mail delivery.

How do I Opt-In for e-statements?

You can Opt-In for e-statements from the Online Banking module within your members area. Once you are in Online Banking, click in Subscription Services, select Yes, I wish to opt-in for Electronic Statements and click the Submit button.

How do I save my e-statement for future reference?

Since the e-statement is provided to you as portable document format (PDF) file, you can use your PDF viewer software to save a copy of the statement to your local computer. You can then back it up electronically for archival purposes. You can also print the statement on your local computer and archive the paper copy of you wish. As with all online banking and personal information, you should ensure your computer is secured.

Will I be able to print my e-statement?

Yes. The e-statement is delivered to you as a PDF file which you can print on your local printer.

Will I need any special software to view my e-statement?

You will need a PDF viewer program. You probably already have one installed. The most commonly used program is Adobe Acrobat reader. This are available to download for free from their makers' respective sites.

What is Adobe Acrobat Reader, and why do I need it?

Adobe Acrobat Reader is one example of a PDF reader program. In order to view your e-statements you will need this or another PDF reader program installed on your computer. These programs are generally available for free download via the web.

How can I get Adobe Acrobat Reader?

You can download Adobe Acrobat reader from the Adobe web site.

Can I receive paper statements?

If you want a paper statement, simply contact the office and we can have one posted to you.

Money Advice Service

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Money Advice Service FAQs

What is it?

It is a service which helps families and individuals with debt problems. If a person is in difficulties with rent, mortgage, ESB, Gas, TV Licence, Cable, Moneylenders, Banks etc. then the service can help them.

What is the aim of the service?

The aim of the service is to enable the person to pay off debts at a rate that they decide whilst ensuring that all their requirements (food, housing, fuel etc.) are protected, also there is an opportunity to plan for credit in the future through the local Credit Union

What kind of service is it?

The service is free, independent and confidential.

What help is provided?

The service will negotiate on a person's behalf with creditors if wished, to help renegotiate repayment to a rate that can be afforded.

Does it work?

So far, similar projects throughout the country have assisted over 10,000 families with multiple debt problems.

Where is the service?

Cork (West) MABS
Unit 11 Underhill Commercial Park
Co. Cork
For appointment Phone/Fax:
(023) 55155 or Email: dunmanway@mabs.ie