08 July 2021
Why use a credit union?
About the Credit Union
The Credit Union is kind of like a bank, right? Wrong!
Banks share their profits among their shareholders, so it rarely, if ever, gets seen.
Credit Unions also share profits among their shareholders. But there is one big difference…
With the Credit Union, EVERY member is a SHAREHOLDER! That means you!
This big difference has an even bigger impact because this fact changes EVERYTHING.
When your members are your shareholders, you are answerable to them.
You must do your best for them.
They are ALL important.
Regardless of how much money they have.
You must act in their best interests and do what’s best for them.
At Access Credit Union, all of our members matter to us, and they decide where profits go. Our members receive a dividend if our end of year surplus allows, and/or our board selected by you; our members choose what community projects to support by way of sponsorships.
You could say it is a Funding Dreams cycle. You take out a Credit Union Loan or open a Credit Union account, and any money made goes back into your local community. Simple.
Where you bank really does matter. Choose the Credit Union, Choose Local, Choose Community.